Where HAS she been?

Well hi there! It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? Probably something like… five months? I’m not going to check that, so let’s just agree, that it’s been around five months. In that time I’ve been going through some personal changes and coming to some realisations that have prevented me from cultivating the desire to publish anything publicly. But then last night I had very little sleep and found myself unable to concentrate on anything else that needs my focus today. So I decided to sit down and write out a long-winded post about where I’ve been lately.

The most exciting thing that I’ve done since I last posted here, was travel to the US and Europe over Christmas and New Year. I have a lot of family in California, so they had my attention for the first half of my travel (including a nine mile hike on Boxing day to Point Reyes – I kind of died). The second half of my travel took place in Europe, a place I’ve never been to up until this year. If you follow me on Instagram (remember: @asteriskthat), you’ll see that I’ve been slowly adding pictures from the trip. One of my bad habits is not sharing my experiences. It’s a habit I’m trying to break – but it’s hard, I don’t like talking about myself unless it comes up naturally in conversation (and even then, I get uncomfortable if I notice I’ve been talking about myself for too long). The point being: I loved Europe! Especially Madrid. And I will keep putting up photos until I reach the end of my trip – great sources for #throwbackthursday and #flashbackfriday 😉

Another huge thing – not as exciting but probably more momentous – is that I decided not to continue with my pursuit of a career in hairdressing. It took a while for me to figure this out – you might remember me referring to bouts of anxiety last year – but once I realised what I really wanted for myself, I felt much better.

This decision was the main reason that I steered clear of this blog for so long. It’s supposed to be about hair after all! But for the past few weeks I’ve been thinking about getting back into posting regularly again. I still love hair – just on a personal and hobbyist level. And having stepped away from training formally, I can get back to what I really enjoy helping people with: curly hair! I’m going to continue focusing on products that are easily accessible in Australia, but I’m going to take a break from my Aussie spotlight series; my hair was drying out, even from the gentle and sulfate free shampoos. But as I said, I will try to be informative about the products readily available in Australia, even if they’re not Aussie owned or made.

I’d also like to start posting hairstyle tutorials. I’ve loved braiding since I was a little girl, so I may try and get myself in front of a camera and do a video tutorial! One of my New Year’s resolutions was to film at least ONE (yes, aiming low here) YouTube video. So telling you guys about it will hopefully hold me accountable.

Another thing I’d like to do with the blog is to make it more interactive: more comments! I’m going to try not get into how many page hits, follows and likes I get, but I do want to be more interactive with you guys: my readers 🙂 So, if you have any advice on how to make a more interactive space, please help me get started with this new goal and leave a comment!

Thank you so much for reading this to the end! I can’t wait to continue with this blogging journey and to see how it evolves.

Love and waves,


What are your thoughts?